Corporatism or competition / Coen TEULINGS
: Corporatism or competition : Labour contracts institutions and wage structures in international comparison : نص مطبوع : Coen TEULINGS ; Joop HARTOG : London : CAMBRIDGE : 1998 : 346 p. : ill. : 23 cm. : 9780521049393 لغة : إنكليزي (eng) : 2.القانون الدولي العام Corporatism or competition : Labour contracts institutions and wage structures in international comparison [نص مطبوع ] / Coen TEULINGS ; Joop HARTOG . - London : CAMBRIDGE, 1998 . - 346 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
: 9780521049393
لغة : إنكليزي (eng)
: 2.القانون الدولي العام
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