davis a. sadoff |
brining international fugitives to justice / davis a. sadoff
: brining international fugitives to justice : extradition and its alternatives : نص مطبوع : davis a. sadoff : united kingdom : Cambridge university press : 2016 : 668 p. : 24 cm. : 978-1-107-12928-3 لغة : إنكليزي (eng) : 2.القانون الدولي العام : background context_extradition and its impediments_remedial or collateral means to secure extradition_fallback alternatives to extradition_full-scale alternatives to extradition_post-delevry review,recourse,and impact brining international fugitives to justice : extradition and its alternatives [نص مطبوع ] / davis a. sadoff . - united kingdom : Cambridge university press, 2016 . - 668 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-1-107-12928-3
لغة : إنكليزي (eng)
: 2.القانون الدولي العام : background context_extradition and its impediments_remedial or collateral means to secure extradition_fallback alternatives to extradition_full-scale alternatives to extradition_post-delevry review,recourse,and impact
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