tsvi kahana |
boundaries of state,boundaries of rights / tsvi kahana
: boundaries of state,boundaries of rights : human rights,private actors,and positive obligations : نص مطبوع : tsvi kahana : united kingdom : Cambridge university press : 2016 : 330 p. : 24 cm. : 978110706650 لغة : إنكليزي (eng) : 2.القانون الدولي العام : our rights,but whose duties re-conceptualizing rights in the era of globalization_beware boundary crossings_dialogue and constitutional duty_privatizing public rights common law and state action in the united states_judicial review and human rights act review in contracted-out public services options for litigation in english law boundaries of state,boundaries of rights : human rights,private actors,and positive obligations [نص مطبوع ] / tsvi kahana . - united kingdom : Cambridge university press, 2016 . - 330 p. ; 24 cm.
: 978110706650
لغة : إنكليزي (eng)
: 2.القانون الدولي العام : our rights,but whose duties re-conceptualizing rights in the era of globalization_beware boundary crossings_dialogue and constitutional duty_privatizing public rights common law and state action in the united states_judicial review and human rights act review in contracted-out public services options for litigation in english law
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